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Leaked footage shows dozens of illegal migrants landing at Westchester airport on secret charter flight in the dead of night just one of the dozen carried out by the Biden administration last year. A destination for the avid collector and weekend hobbyist alike Our Pastimes features articles and tips about your favorite cards games hobbies and more.

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An adorable chihuahua stole the show at Crufts this weekend as she performed a rendition of Swan Lake to adoring fans.

. The tiny dog named Joya performed the classic Tchaikovsky ballet with her. Islamic women often wear an Abaya with their head coveringAn Abaya is a black loose fitting garment that conceals the body. The tagelmust is a cotton scarf up to 15 meters long worn by Tuareg Berber Muslim men throughout western Africa.

Digital Journal is a digital media news network with thousands of Digital Journalists in 200 countries around the world. The tagelmust covers the head and is pulled up over the mouth and nose to protect against windblown sand.

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